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Relief as 30 PDM Sacco’s get Money in Rukiga


A total of 25 UGX million shillings for 30 Parish Development Modal (PDM) Sacco’s have so far been disbursed to Sacco’s accounts in Rukiga District.

The 30 Sacco’s, are among the 3,200 out of the targeted 10,594 Saccos that were cleared to receive Parish Development Model (PDM) cash after meeting requirements as outlined under the implementation guidelines.

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Launching the disbursement of PDM funds to the ready Saccos on 11th October 2022, the prime minister of Uganda, Robinah Nabbanja said each of the approved Saccos would receive Shs25m revolving fund during the first quarter [from July to September], Shs25m for the second quarter [October to December] and another Shs50m for the third quarter.

Nabbanja revealed that Out of the 6,219 PDM Saccos with complete submissions, disbursement modalities for Quarter One have already been finalized to the first 3,237 compliant Saccos after due diligence was conducted.

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Now speaking during the Rukiga District budget conference for the financial Year 2023/2024 at Rukiiko hall on Friday this week, Mr. Asiimwe John the Rukiga district Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) said that on the schedule for implementation of Parish Development Modal activities, over 601 enterprises groups have been formed and trained ahead of having 30 PDM Sacco’s registered plus having their bank accounts.

He further said that in the financial Year 2022/23 all 30 Sacco’s in Rukiga District have received UGX 25 million each on their accounts, 12 PDM Sacco’s which had received UGX 17 million and another 1 SACCO which received 9.1 million in FY 2021/22 all totalling to UGX 963, 177, 269 by October 2022.

The LC5 chairperson Rukiga district Mr. Robert Kakwereere confirmed that it’s true the money is on the Sacco’s accounts waiting for the Sacco’s to have their 1st annual general meeting as it is among the regulation of the cooperatives before money is withdrawn for development purposes.

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The Deputy RDC Rukiga district Mr. Zadoch Kamusiime said that at times their hands are tied to handle some of the things at the district levels waiting for the central government to implement.

Kamusiime also highlighted that there are very many service delivery gaps at the sub county levels where a lot of money is spent and nothing much is done.

Speaking on behalf of the Rukiga district development partners the Western Uganda international Crane foundation (ICF) field officer Ms. Phionah Orishaba appreciated the Rukiga district local government for always responding to their call and for supporting the foundation in every aspect.

The government has so far released Shs80.92b to cater for the first quarter, while Shs1.05 trillion was earmarked as revolving funds to the PDM Saccos in this Financial Year 2022/2023.

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The PDM programme, which was launched by President Museveni in February, aims to lift 17.5 million Ugandans in 3.5 million households out of poverty through the total transformation of the subsistence households into the money economy.

The programme is government’s latest drive toward poverty alleviation. Initially, the country’s nearly 10,600 parishes were set to get seed money of Shs100 million per parish in one single release.

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