This was contained in his speech read for him on Thursday by the Kabale Resident District Commissioner Godfrey Nyakahuma during the opening of the two-day public Private Partnership capacity building workshop that was held at Cephas Inn Makanga hill, Central division, Kabale municipality, Kabale district. The workshop was attended by district leaders of the Six districts that form kigezi sub region.

Minister Musasizi noted that as leaders they need to come up with a common knowledge to recognize the poor infrastructure in their local governments which hinders the social economic development as government archives its obligation through direct commitment of funds under the national budget for the development of public infrastructure and services.
He said that kigezi Sub region currently is facing infrastructure needs and challenges like other local governments therefore they are mandated to raise their own revenue in order to meet their obligations.
He added that since the parish development model was launched, they have to acknowledge the need leverage private sector resources and efficiencies for socio economic transformation.
He also said that even though the realization of public private partnership project was slow in kigezi region but he believes that since the only reason is to understand the minimal awareness on the pubic private partnership concepts, basic principles processes and procedures the workshop have given an opportunity to capacity building and awareness creation and expect to champion the agenda in the districts.
He further said that there is a hope to make kigezi region the jewel of Uganda by adopting the public private partnership project.
The Source Reports.
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