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Government Adds1 billion on  District Road Funding


ByNaboth Isaac Niwagaba

KABALE: Government has increased the District Funds for road Maintenance by Shs. 1 Billion in the financial year 2023-2024.

This was revealed on Sunday 2nd April 2023, by the State Minister of general duties in the Ministry of Finance, Henry Musasizi who doubles as the Rubanda East Legislator.

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Last year, Local Government leaders decried severe budget cuts on the Uganda Road fund, a situation that left many roads in an impassable state as the Districts struggled to operate with meagre resources.

According to the Ministry of Financedifferent sectors of the economy, including the road fund, experienced budget cuts as resources were put to fight Covid-19. The Ministry further explained that during the pandemic, Uganda Revenue Authority experienced a shortfall of more than Shs1 trillion in revenue collection which affected allocation of resources to different sectors.

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However, while speaking at a Church Mass to celebrate the Palm Sunday at Christ the King Parish in Kabale Municipality, Musasizi explained that a total of Shs. 176 billion has been allocated for District road works in the next financial year that begins in July 2023.

He said the decision to increase road funding was mostly in consideration of rural areas whose road network was affected by low funding in the previous financial years.

“After consultations with President Museveni, and approval by the cabinet, we decided to allocate an additional funding of at least 1 billion for road works in each District, so that we can reduce the stress faced by road users, especially in the rural areas” Musaszi said

Min. Musasizi asked Christians to use Palm Sunday as a reflection on their relationship with God, and to participate in Government programs meant to eradicate poverty.

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The Kabale Catholic Diocese head of Laity Odo Tumukwasiibwe used the opportunity to appreciate the performance of Hon. Musasizi, by outlining a number of health and education projects for which the Minister has either single handedly funded or lobbied funding from the Government. Notable among them was Nyamiringa Primary School in Rubanda District.

“Nyamiringa primary school children were learning from dilapidated structures made of mud (engugwe), but Hon. Musasizi has done a tremendous amount of work on the School as evidenced by the four permanent blocks up there. He has also secured more Shs.150 million to construct more structures at the school,” Tumukwasibwe said.

Nyamiringa Primary School is located in Nyamiringa Parish, Bubare Subcounty, Rubanda District.

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