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Agronomists & Farmer Trainers Empowered with Innovative Skills for the Potato Value Chain

RUBANDA – The Delphy General Advisor on Arable Farming, a global commercial service provider specializing in field cultivation, Niek Vedelaar has emphasized the need for farmers in the Kigezi Sub-region to adopt a novel approach to potato cultivation to amplify yields and uphold cost-effective production measures.

Vedelaar conveyed this critical message during an insightful workshop designed to empower farmer trainers and agronomists hailing from various associations. Among them were Farm to Table Limited, Uganda National Seed Potato Growers, Kisoro Potato Growers Union, and the Kachwekano Zonal Research and Development Institute (KAZARDI).

The primary focus of this workshop, held at the Batuma Community Foundation in Bubaare Town Council within Rubanda District, was to furnish participants with indispensable proficiencies in fertilizer application, efficient plant production, and water resource management.

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The event stood as a crucial element in the realization of the “Innovating the Uganda Potato Value Chain” project, a visionary initiative supported by funding from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) via the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership (SGCP) facility.

Launched in August of the preceding year, the project’s timeline extends through 2025. At its core, the project endeavors to elevate the commercial viability of both potato seeds and ware production, thus rendering potato cultivation economically sustainable for local farmers.

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Vedelaar elaborated that the ultimate aim of this endeavor is to forge a robust, interconnected value chain that encompasses both seed and ware potatoes, effectively bridging the gap from farmers to Uganda’s processing industry.

Vedelaar astutely acknowledged that Delphy identified the limitations entrenched within conventional practices of potato cultivation. As a proactive response, they have introduced innovative methodologies in potato production, with the overarching goal of augmenting crop yields and bolstering agricultural output.

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The project manager of the “Innovating the Uganda Potato Value Chain” project, Timony Niwomukama emphasized that their project anticipates multiple positive outcomes that include not only increased yields and enhanced potato seed quality and market conditions, but also a rise in household income at the family and farm levels.

Niwomukama unveiled their intention to establish an Innovation and Training Centre in a collaborative effort with the Batuma Community Foundation to provide training to farmers and agronomists, contributing to the dissemination of advanced agricultural practices.


According to National Agricultural Advisory Services NAADS, Irish potato is both a staple food and a source of income for the farmers. 60% of the crop is produced in the highlands of South Western Uganda in the districts of Kabale, Rubanda and Kisoro. Production is estimated between 800,000 to 1,000,000 metric tons per annum.

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