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76.5% Completly Failed PLE 2022 At Burimba Primary School

By Innocent Ruhangariyo/ Barham Akatukunda

KABALE: 13 pupils of Burimba Primary School who sat for Primary Leaving Examination 2022 in Rubaya sub county Kabale district failed completely according to 2022 results released.

Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) on Friday 27th January 2023 where 3771 pupils sat for Primary Leaving Examination 2022 in Kabale district, 237 passed in division I, 1805 in division II, 880 in division III, 395 in division IV, 314 failed completely while 140 did not sit for the examinations out of 832,654 pupils who sat for Primary Leaving Examination exams from 14,691 school centers in 2022 across the country according to Dr. Dan Nokrach Odongo the Uganda National Examinations Board Executive director.

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While speaking with our reporter in an interview, Burimba Primary School Assistant Headteacher December Necodemus said that it’s true they had 17 pupils who sat for Primary Leaving Examinations 2022 but only 4 pupils passed in division three and the rest failed completely becoming the last school in performance in Kabale district 2022 due to different issues like long distances that are travelled by both pupils and teachers, parents not giving their children required food for lunch and also not being responsible on education of their children where many of the pupils are ever absent engaged in domestic work, grazing animals and also going to the market centers looking for survival might be a big issue that brought this failure.

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He further said most of the passed schools, parents have organized private teachings in the form of remedial and preps to equip more knowledge to the children and which Burimba Primary School has not put in place.

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December added that most of the parents have not provided ample food in the form of lunch to their children and even others are not given enough supper which he said most pupils cannot learn on an empty stomach.

However, Wilberforce Nabaasa the Kabale district inspector of school expressed this failure concern over the continued unexplained absenteeism of Head teachers, Teachers and learners has enabled the parents to make their children busy with domestic activities like digging, grazing among others where by the responsible school committees have failed to do their roles leaving all the burden to the high top officials on the district level and of which they cannot be everywhere at ago when in monitoring revealing Head teachers of poorly performed schools are to face the disciplinary committee and if possible they be dismissed, if not demoted from their headship positions.

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